What is a Coffee Variety and What You Need to Know About Them

You walk into a specialty coffee shop to buy that spectacular coffee for your morning mug. What should be a simple decision – which delicious coffee to buy – becomes more complex as soon as the barista opens her mouth. “We have a Bourbon variety that is out of this world.” Out of this world. That sounds good to you. But what is a variety and why are they calling coffee Bourbon? Is there whiskey in it? What in the world is a coffee variety and more importantly, why should you care?

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Ask a Colombian Coffee Expert – Luwak Coffee

I heard it again not too long ago when I was with a group of Americans in a busy cafe in La Candelaria. A man across the table asked me a question that had obviously been weighing on his mind for some time. With a serious face he asked, “What do you think about cat poop coffee?”

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