Learn about specialty coffee in Colombia with us!

Discover Colombian coffee with us

You want to understand Colombia’s fascinating history involving coffee… and what coffee means to Colombians.

You want to understand Colombia’s fascinating history involving coffee … and what coffee means to Colombians.

Many people visit Colombia and never discover those stories. How sad to leave Colombia and still not understand how coffee has affected the lives of millions of people here.

Don’t waste your precious time lost in the sea of information about coffee. You can learn the real meaning of coffee in Colombia with us!

We are a team of Colombians (and one foreigner!) who are passionate about coffee.

We’ll help you understand coffee in fun, dynamic workshops that show you:

  • Who grows coffee in Colombia
  • How coffee should be brewed
  • How you can understand the flavors in coffee
  • And how coffee changes lives

We are the coffee experts.

Don’t leave Colombia without learning about Colombian coffee.

Curious about what goes on during our workshops? Get a sneak preview with this video:

Find out all the details about scheduling and pricing by clicking here.

Book your Specialty Coffee Workshop now! 

And let the taste adventure begin.

What will you learn during our Specialty Coffee Experiences?

Our workshop in Bogota will take you on an easy walking route to three coffee shops. Our Colombian coffee experts will guide you to understand the true essence of coffee in Colombia while you get an intensive education.

In each location you will not only learn about Colombian coffee, but you will also dive into the local culture as you explore the neighborhoods on this walking tour.

Our live virtual workshops cover the same information, but you can take it from the safety and comfort of your own home. If the schedule of our live workshops doesn’t work for you, you can take our online workshop.

Book your Specialty Coffee Workshop now!

Deepen your knowledge of coffee in Colombia with Flavors of Bogota

If you want to learn about the coffee industry in Colombia, take our Coffee Pro Workshop.

Are you interested in learning about the coffee industry? We have the online course that you need! The Slurp Fast! Crash Course in Latin American Coffee will teach you all you need to know to start working in the coffee industry or to deepen your knowledge of the coffee industry. Check out our course syllabus and all you’ll learn with us – just click here.

Find out why our specialty coffee workshop is listed on Trip Advisor as one of the Top Activities in Bogota.

Do you have any questions? Please get in touch with us! Use the nifty contact form below and we’ll be in touch with you shortly. (You might want to keep an eye on your spam folder in case our email lands there).

Learn about coffee in Colombia with Permission to Slurp

Don’t forget to order Permission to Slurp, our handbook to tasting specialty coffees in Colombia! This 114-page guide was nominated as the 2018 Best Coffee Book in the World by the Gourmand Awards.

Order Permission to Slurp with your workshop and get a 20% discount over the list price (and you don’t have to pay for shipping). Simply click on the book image below to include Permission to Slurp in your order and we’ll deliver the book to you at the start of the workshop.

Permission to Slurp: The Insider's Guide to Tasting Specialty Coffee in Colombia Karen Attman