What is the Secret of Colombia’s Happiness?

“Why do you love coffee?” I was in one of Bogota best specialty coffee shops. Light came streaming in the café on that sunny Bogota morning, and the intoxicating smell of freshly ground coffee made us all a bit dizzy. The tour guests crowded in to catch the barista’s answer to my question. Over the sounds of coffee cups clinking against saucers and the typical chatter of a busy cafe, the barista thought for a few seconds before answering. And what an answer he gave!

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In Colombia, Hope Smells of Coffee Beans

When people suffer, we want to help. Even a small act makes a difference to a person in need. Maybe the only thing we can give is a hug, a few words of encouragement, or perhaps a smile. Those tiny acts can seem like very little, but they can change a lonely child’s world, comfort an elderly person, or convince a single mother that she can make it through another tough day.


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What Makes a Specialty Coffee Shop Unforgettable?

When I began writing travel articles for international publications, I always had to include coffee shops. However, it was after spending time with the enthusiastic coffee shop owners, talented and generous baristas, and many cups of coffee that I realized I’d found something extraordinary.

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