Ask a Colombian Coffee Expert

When people find out I’m a coffee educator – I teach coffee at a university in Bogota, I wrote a book about specialty coffee in Colombia, and every week I teach visitors about why coffee in Colombia is so important to the country – they invariably ask me a question about coffee. It seems like everyone is filled with coffee questions they’ve never received an answer to, and they love to be face to face with an expert to get their itch for knowledge fulfilled.


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What is the Secret of Colombia’s Happiness?

“Why do you love coffee?” I was in one of Bogota best specialty coffee shops. Light came streaming in the café on that sunny Bogota morning, and the intoxicating smell of freshly ground coffee made us all a bit dizzy. The tour guests crowded in to catch the barista’s answer to my question. Over the sounds of coffee cups clinking against saucers and the typical chatter of a busy cafe, the barista thought for a few seconds before answering. And what an answer he gave!

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