Cultivating Coffee Awareness in Bogota: Café Cultor
At this coffee house, these baristas are not pretending. They’re truly knowledgeable - they do know all about Colombian specialty coffees.
At this coffee house, these baristas are not pretending. They’re truly knowledgeable - they do know all about Colombian specialty coffees.
These arepas aren’t from Bogota, but thankfully you can find them here. The way they’re cooked always brings a smile to my face. Steaming hot and filled with gooey cheese, they’re not to be missed when visiting Colombia.
When's the last time you bought bread on a bus? And it's not just any bus...
Love was born between chefs in a kitchen in New York, transplanted to South America, and bloomed in a restaurant in the Andes Mountains.
How can you be sure to get the best Colombian buñuelo?